Free School Meals
At Speenhamland Primary School, we believe it’s important to provide the necessary support to every family in our school community. As a part of this, we think it’s important to provide clear information so that every family is able to get the financial support they are eligible for.
Universal Infant Free School Meals vs Free School Meals
While this distinction may not be important for students at our school, we believe it’s important for our school community to be well informed.
Universal infant free school meals (UIFSM) are available to all pupils in reception, year 1 and year 2. Funding is provided to the school directly, and is used by the school to provide free school meals to infants at UK schools.
Free School Meals (FSM), on the other hand is financial support provided to children of families who fall under certain qualifying criteria. These criteria, and more information can be found on the apply for free school meals website here:
While parents may not need to apply for FSM for their child if the child is still young enough to receive UIFSM, it is still important to tell the local authority if your family falls under any of the qualifying criteria. This is because if you don’t do so, you will not be able to receive free school meal vouchers over the summer, or in the event of school closures. Additionally, schools only receive pupil premium funding for every child registered for FSM.
If you think your child may be eligible for Free School Meals, make sure to apply here:
We look forward to seeing your child in the school hall!