01635 41077
Individual tours are now taking place for Reception 2025.
Please call the school office to arrange a visit with our Headteacher, Mrs Lewry. We look forward to welcoming you to Speenhamland School.
As a parent of a child in our school you are automatically a member of our PTA. Find out how you can support us.
Our PTA is a voluntary group that supports the school on both social and financial levels. Active participation is welcomed and much appreciated by staff and children alike. It is run by a committee elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the beginning of the school year, and members usually meet once every six weeks to organise fundraising and social activities. PTA fundraising events include the regular junior discos (for children in Lower and Upper Key Stage 2), the Christmas and Summer Fairs, car boot sales and many other activities.
Whether you support the PTA as a committee member, a helper, or just turn out to the events, you are helping to provide our school with valuable resources to give all our children the best education possible. Email speenhamlandpta@gmail.com to get in touch.
In order to promote to an ever wider audience, your PTA now has a Facebook page - Speenhamland PTA. Please visit this on a regular basis and see what's happening and what you can get involved in. Like it! It's also a great place to see where the fundraising is being spent and why the PTA really is vital to the school, children and parents/carers.
Did you know that you can help raise funds for the school with only a couple of mouse clicks? Do it through Easyfundraising.org.uk and raise a free donation for Speenhamland School PTA every time you shop on the web.