Individual tours are now taking place for Reception 2025. 

Please call the school office to arrange a visit with our Headteacher, Mrs Lewry. We look forward to welcoming you to Speenhamland School.

House System







We are very proud of our House system at Speenhamland.  On starting at Speenhamland, every pupil will be placed in one of four Houses: Azul, Laal, Verde or Zolty. Each House has a staff House Head as well as two House Captains from Year 6. Along with every pupil, every member of staff also represents a House. The House system drives the school’s reward system which every pupil contributes to by achieving Dragon Eggs. The House Captains count the Dragon Eggs on a weekly basis and the winning House is announced in Friday assembly and in the newsletter. At the end of every short term, the winning House participates in a House reward.


Dragon Eggs

Each pupil can obtain Dragon Eggs throughout the school day to contribute to their House success. Dragon Eggs are recorded on Firefly and can be awarded for good class and homework together with positive contributions within the class. Certificates are issued to the children: Bronze for 25 Dragon Eggs; Silver for 50 Dragon Eggs; Gold for 75 Dragon Eggs and Platinum for 100 Dragon Eggs.


Golden Dragon Eggs

Golden Dragon Eggs are issued to a class for outstanding behaviour for learning. The class teacher will nominate their class for an award and a member of the Senior Leadership Team will present the class with a Golden Egg. Once ten eggs have been achieved, the whole class will receive a class treat of their choice.


House Charity Events

Each House is encouraged to pick a charity each year and organise a fundraising event. Alongside this, staff also organise a themed curriculum day which links to the charity. Please see the table below to see this year’s charities.

House Head of House House Captain Chosen Charity Theme of the Day Date
Azul Mrs Garnish

Evie Hooper 

Jessica Grace 

Salvation Army 

Friendship and Music 

22nd March 2024
Verde Mrs Richardson

Joseph Breslin 

Felix Wilkes 


West Berkshire

Helping in the Community 24th May 2024
Zolty Mrs Dodd

Swadha Tyagi 

Holly Davies 

Children’s Air Ambulance First Aid  7th June 2024
Laal Miss Buckell

Jess Lambourne 

Damian Davies

Newbury Soup Kitchen  Health and Wellbeing 12th July 2024



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